100 Faces of War Experience: Portraits and Words of Americans Who Served in Iraq and Afghanistan

Do you know someone who can be pictured in the 100  Faces project?

What is 100 Faces?
100 Faces has been exhibited nationally in Museums, galleries and before US Congress in the 8 years I have been working on it.  In November 2014 all 100 of the completed portraits will be exhibited at the National Veterans Art Museum in Chicago.  This will be the start of a national tour of the completed work.

100 Faces has been covered by: BBC World News America, CBS Evening News, NPR Weekend Edition Sunday, Fox News Boston, The Boston Globe and the Washington Post.

100 Faces is:
A survey of Americans who went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It will include 100 people who represent the statistics of the Americans who went to war.  It will represent proportionately: the branches of the Armed Forces, jobs in theater, races, genders, officers vs. enlisted, etc.  Some civilians Americans who went to the theaters are also included. 

Artist Matt Mitchell meets each person and paints their portrait.

Each person provides words to go with their portrait.  The words can be whatever that person wants to say.

The goal is to create a lasting artwork that is an open exploration of the American  experience of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.Click here or "Portrait Gallery" on the Menu bar to see the project so far

There are only a few spots left to fill:
If you fit any of the descriptions below, please click the link to apply to the project.  
Notice: I am looking particularly for people from these states: HI, ND, SD, or UT.  I will cover any costs of travel to the studio if necessary.

Unfortunately I am only looking for 8 people now.  The spots for officers, Marines, and people from Massachusetts are all full now. If you don't fit it means someone else with your statistics got to me first.  I hope the project serves all veterans and represents some small piece of every person's experience of going to these wars.

The spots left in the project are:

(ideally from HI, ND, SD, or UT, jobs other than combat oriented)

(preferably form ND or SD, jobs other than loadmaster, munitions assembler, convoy driver,or force protection)

(ideally from HI, ND, SD, or UT, jobs other than loadmaster, munitions assembler, convoy driver, or force protection)

(ideally from HI, ND, SD, or UT, jobs other than loadmaster, munitions assembler, convoy driver, or force protection)

(ideally from HI, ND, SD, or UT, jobs other than force protection)

(ideally from HI, ND, SD, or UT, jobs other than sonar tech, force protection)

You will get priority if you are from one of these states:

Hawaii, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah
we have to show people from these states to fill the full 50 states.  

Please forward a link to this page, or the "apply" page if you know who can help fill out this picture

Thank You,
Matt Mitchell
Artist and Director